How to add or update your company and portfolio information on satsearch


Satsearch is the premier marketplace and supplier discovery platform in the space industry.

Every month thousands of engineers from organizations and countries all around the world are using satsearch to find new suppliers, products, and solutions to help them build exciting new space missions and services.

Your business needs exposure to this community, and to be displayed alongside your competitors, partners, and peers.

Find out more about how satsearch works at this page, or read on to find out how to get your profile live on the platform today.

It is quick and easy to get information about your company and portfolio published on satsearch with our simple online forms. Click the links below to get to the right section:

You can also find more information about how to go beyond basic profiles and portfolios with the satsearch Trusted Supplier program here.

And if you have any questions about how satsearch works, please take a look at this page, or get in touch with us by email today.

How to add or update your company information on satsearch

Getting listed on satsearch is quick and easy. And it’s free for a basic portfolio.

If you’d like to find out how to get a more richly featured online portfolio and access to a variety of business development opportunities, click here to find out more about the satsearch Trusted Supplier program.

To get a free profile live, simply share some basic information, via a short online form, about your business, and you’ll soon be exposed to thousands of engineers and mission designers from around the world.

Step 1click here to open the online form where you can add your company details as a new supplier.

If your company is already listed on satsearch and you would like to claim and update the page with new information – simply contact us here, with a link to the page, and tell us what you need.

Step 2 – add your company name, the year you were founded, the size of your business, and the current headcount. If in doubt, your company LinkedIn profile will usually have this information. Only the supplier name is made public – the other details simply help us verify your organization.

getting listed on satsearch - screenshot of space supplier signup form with section about your organization

Step 3 – share a few details about the sort of products and services you offer and the clients you work with. This section isn’t made public either – but helps us better understand who you are and what you do. You can use bullet points if you wish, or copy and paste some text from your website.

getting listed on satsearch - screenshot of space supplier signup form line of business section

Step 4 – add your company contact information; your physical address and website, as well as your business’ LinkedIn profile (this last item is optional).

getting listed on satsearch - screenshot of space supplier signup form company contact information section

Step 5 – now it is time to add the details about your company that will be published on your public profile at We call these profiles supplier hubs and they are the central point for thousands of space engineers and mission designers around the world to get details about your business.

First up is your logo – just upload an image file with a square or rectangle shape, and a file size of less than 1 MB.

Next, provide a one line description about what you do in the space industry. There is a hard limit of 150 characters (including spaces) so be concise and accurate. Think about what space engineers and mission designers will find interesting and valuable about your business – there’s a couple of examples in the form to help.

getting listed on satsearch - screenshot of space supplier signup form supplier hub on satsearch section

Finally, add a few keywords in the relevant box. Keywords are words or phrases that will be associated with your supplier hub on They don’t show up on your page, but when a user types them into the search box (which is on every page of the site) and chooses to search in terms of supplier, rather than in terms of product, your hub will show up in the results.

Add your keywords and phrases one by one – pressing enter/return after each of them. They will display on the form each time they are added and you can remove any of them by clicking on the X.

Step 6 – share your (or a colleague’s) personal contact information so we can stay in touch. We’ll use this to inform you when your page is ready and to discuss anything else that’s important to your business on satsearch.

getting listed on satsearch - screenshot of space supplier signup form point of contact section

Step 7 – add any optional comments with the handy box at the end of the form. You can leave this blank if you wish, or use it to let us know anything about your company, or the information that you’re submitting, which might be useful for us.

getting listed on satsearch - screenshot of space supplier signup form comments box

Step 8 – complete the captcha verification and click the blue button to submit your listing. And you’re done!

getting listed on satsearch - screenshot of space supplier signup form - captcha and submit button

Please note that the satsearch team may make minor amendments to the text you provide, without changing any meanings or factual information, in order to correct any errors and ensure the overall quality of the supplier information on the site.

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How to add your portfolio on satsearch

To give the global space engineering community the most accurate picture of what you can offer, satsearch enables you to create pages for each of your different products, services, and capabilities.

A good portfolio will be clearly structured, with a unique page for each different product model, service element, and/or company capability. If it has a SKU, can be purchased independently, or feature as a major line item on an invoice, it should have an individual web page on the satsearch marketplace.

You can add any of your individual capabilities to satsearch. We don’t just list commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) components or standardized sub-system modules.

You can also add pages for professional services, software, bespoke engineering solutions, custom hardware development, analysis and qualification capabilities, facilities or equipment available for rent, reports, courses, and anything else you can offer the industry, on a commercial or non-commercial basis.

Short, basic pages can be set up for free on satsearch. If you’d like to find out how to get a more richly featured online portfolio and access to a variety of business development opportunities, click here to find out more about the satsearch Trusted Supplier program.

Here’s how to quickly get free basic pages live for your portfolio:

Step 1click here to open the online form where you can add new pages to your portfolio.

Step 2 – add the text about your product in the first section. Start by typing in the first few letters of the name of your organization and click the right label when it shows up. If you haven’t yet added your company to the satsearch platform, you can do so at this link and by following the instructions above.

Next, add the name of your product or service. Be accurate but descriptive – consider what would help engineers find and understand your capability. It helps to take a look at how competing products are named on the website.

Then add a brief description that explains exactly what the product or service is. Ensure that you provide clear, concise, logical, and objective descriptions for each page you add, to help the market understand the value of what you offer.

Avoid hype and unsubstantiated claims (such as “the best product in the world”) – this will turn off savvy systems engineers and mission designers. Instead, try to generate interest and excitement in your portfolio. And note there is a 150 character hard limit, including spaces.

Finally, add a few keywords in the relevant box. Keywords are words or phrases that will be associated with your product/service page on They don’t show up on the page, but when a user types them into the search box (which is on every page of the site) and chooses to search in terms of product, rather than in terms of supplier, your page will show up in the results.

adding products to satsearch - screenshot of space supplier add product form - product information section

Step 3 – upload an image and a datasheet for the product. The image field is mandatory – upload a good representative picture of your product in any standard image format, with a file size of 1 MB or less. If possible, use genuine photos of the product rather than renders or graphics – this adds credibility to your page.

The datasheet is optional but is highly advised to better explain to engineers the full quality and context of your offer. If you wish to make your datasheet public then you can upload it in this section as a PDF with a file size of less than 5 MB. It will be available for website users to download freely on your page, enhancing your marketing and visibility, and building your brand in the global industry.

adding products to satsearch - screenshot of space supplier add product form - product image and datasheet section

Step 4 – add any optional comments with the handy box at the end of the form. You can leave this blank if you wish, or use it to let us know anything about your product, or the information that you’re submitting, which might be useful for us to know.

adding products to satsearch - screenshot of space supplier add product form - signup form comments box

Step 5 – share your (or a colleague’s) personal contact information so we can stay in touch. We’ll use this to inform you when your page is ready and to discuss anything else that’s important to your business on satsearch.

adding products to satsearch - screenshot of space supplier add product form - signup form point of contact section

Step 6 – complete the captcha verification and click the blue button to submit your product or service listing. And you’re done!

adding products to satsearch - screenshot of space supplier add product form - captcha and submit button

Please note that the satsearch team may make minor amendments to the text you provide, without changing any meanings or factual information, in order to correct any errors and ensure the overall quality of the supplier information on the site.

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How to update your portfolio on satsearch

If you already have pages for your products and services live on satsearch, and you’d like to update them or make changes of any kind, this is also a simple process handled with a single, short online form.

All of the changes you make are optional. If you leave any section empty, the current content in that section on the page will be unchanged.

Step 1click here to open the form that enables you to update portfolio pages.

Step 2 – the first step is to identify the page that you wish to update. First type in the start of your organization name and select the right option. If you need to first add your company, use this form and click here to go to the instructions above.

Next, do the same for the product or service page name. If the product/service doesn’t yet have a published page, use this form and click here to go to the guidance above.

updating products to satsearch - screenshot of space supplier update product form - product name and organization section

Step 3 – to change the text on the page, simply add the new description to the next box. This is the short explanation of your product that is displayed on the live page.

The description should clearly and objectively describe the product or service and you should avoid hype and unsubstantiated claims, but try to generate interest and excitement in your offer. There is a 150 character hard limit, including spaces.

Next, add new keywords for the page (if needed) in the relevant box. Keywords are words or phrases that will be associated with your product/service page on They don’t show up on the page, but when a user types them into the search box (which is on every page of the site) and chooses to search in terms of product, rather than in terms of supplier, your page will show up in the results.

Please note that the satsearch team may make minor amendments to the text you provide, without changing any meanings or factual information, in order to correct any errors and ensure the overall quality of the supplier information on the site.

updating products to satsearch - screenshot of space supplier update product form - product description and keywords section

Step 4 – in the next section you can replace the product image and/or the datasheet, if required.

Upload a good representative picture of your product or service in any standard image format, with a file size of 1 MB or less. If possible, use genuine photos of the product rather than renders or graphics – this adds credibility to your page.

The datasheet is optional but is highly advised to better explain to engineers the full quality and context of your offer. If you wish to make your datasheet public then you can upload it in this section as a PDF with a file size of less than 5 MB. It will be available for website users to download freely on your page, enhancing your marketing and visibility, and building your brand in the global industry.

updating products to satsearch - screenshot of space supplier update product form - product image and datasheet

Step 5 – add any optional comments with the handy box at the end of the form. You can leave this blank if you wish, or use it to let us know anything about your product, or the information that you’re submitting, which might be useful for us.

updating products on satsearch - screenshot of space supplier update product form - signup form comments box

Step 6 – share your (or a colleague’s) personal contact information so we can stay in touch. We’ll use this to inform you when your page is ready and to discuss anything else that’s important to your business on satsearch.

updating products on satsearch - screenshot of space supplier update product form - signup form point of contact section

Step 7 – complete the captcha verification and click the blue button to submit your product or service listing. And you’re done!

updating products to satsearch - screenshot of space supplier update product form - captcha and submit button

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