Predictive maintenance in aerospace manufacturing – with


Predictive maintenance in the manufacturing segment is crucial to eliminate potential failures prior to their occurrence. This article provides insights into the importance and benefits of predictive maintenance in the aerospace manufacturing industry.

It also features how customers can leverage’s predictive maintenance expertise to increase productivity in their businesses. The article also briefly covers the key takeaways from predictive maintenance for the space industry

The article was developed in collaboration with, a paying participant in the satsearch membership program.


The aerospace industry is one of the most critical industries in the world. With billions of dollars invested in research and development, it is always at the forefront of technological advancements. However, with the growing complexity of aircraft and the increasing demand for air travel, the need for efficient and effective maintenance has become more important than ever before.

Introduction to predictive maintenance in aerospace manufacturing - satsearch member cloudflight spotlight article

Catastrophic failures in aerospace manufacturing can result in devastating consequences, both in terms of human lives and financial losses. In this context, predictive maintenance has emerged as a game-changer. By leveraging advanced data analytics, machine learning algorithms, and real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance enables manufacturers to proactively identify and address potential equipment failures before they occur. This proactive approach not only enhances safety but also minimizes downtime, reduces costs, and maximizes the lifespan of critical assets.

In the next sections of the article, we will explore the power of predictive maintenance in aerospace manufacturing, the role of Cloudflight in this segment, and the key takeaways for the space industry.

The importance of predictive maintenance

Predictive maintenance in the aerospace manufacturing process provides greater efficiency for the operation of a particular asset. The traditional maintenance techniques are often reactive, meaning that issues are only identified when they become apparent. This approach can lead to delays, increased costs, and, in the worst-case scenario, catastrophic failures. Predictive maintenance, on the other hand, is a proactive approach that uses data and analytics to predict when issues are likely to occur. By doing so, predictive maintenance enables manufacturers to take action before a problem becomes serious, reducing the risk of catastrophic failures.

Predictive maintenance relies on data collection and analysis to identify patterns and trends in machine behavior. The data is then used to make predictions about when a machine is likely to fail and what issues are likely to occur.

This technique is about more than just preventing catastrophic failures. It also helps to improve the overall performance and efficiency of machines. By identifying issues before they occur, manufacturers can take preventive measures, reducing downtime and increasing productivity. Predictive maintenance can also help to extend the lifespan of machines and equipment, saving manufacturers money in the long run.

Benefits of predictive maintenance

One of the key benefits of predictive maintenance is that the maintenance activity can be optimally planned. For example, after the aircraft has landed, data is transferred and analyzed on the ground station. With predictive maintenance strategies, the optimal time required for replacing certain components can be calculated. This replacement usually does not take effect immediately, if not it is scheduled in 100-200 flight hours (which usually means in some weeks/months).

In this case of optimally planned maintenance activity of the aircraft, assume that component A requires replacement, but the prediction for component B says that the risk / remaining useful life (RUL) is quite similar to part A. Therefore, the replacement can be done for both components A and B, instead of having the helicopter out of service twice for maintenance activities.

Some of the other key benefits of predictive maintenance include:

  1. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE): The OEE enables manufacturers to identify issues before they become serious, reducing downtime and increasing productivity. It also helps to optimize machine performance, reducing energy consumption and increasing efficiency.
  1. Increased safety: predictive maintenance helps to prevent catastrophic failures, improving overall safety.
  1. Lower costs: by identifying issues before they become serious, predictive maintenance can help manufacturers save money on repairs and maintenance.

Key takeaways for the space industry from predictive maintenance

From the space industry’s perspective, satellite, launch, and ground market verticals can take advantage of this technology. For example, the ground segment is an essential component of the complete satellite architecture. Its predictive maintenance will not only help save operational costs but also help improve its performance without the need for replacing the complete ground station. Similarly, in the satellite segment, the diagnosis of onboard software and hardware will be crucial as the space industry is transitioning rapidly toward software defined satellites. In terms of hardware, the in-orbit servicing market will further open opportunities for predictive maintenance in the space industry. For example, Indian Space Research Organisation recorded the failure of three atomic clock failures on its satellites of Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS). Such errors can be eliminated once the industry has predictive maintenance capabilities.

Key takeaways for the space industry from predictive maintenance - satsearch member cloudflight spotlight article

Developing and implementing predictive maintenance for the space (especially for the systems in-orbit) assets is still a futuristic thing. But as every innovation starts with an inspiration, predictive maintenance in aerospace manufacturing can serve as an inspiration for the space industry. Some of the important key takeaways for the space industry in this context are:

  1. Increasing efficiency of in-orbit systems: Though the defunct satellites are responsible for the creation of space debris, it is important to note that if the predictive maintenance technique is available to repair or restore the dysfunctional component, it could save a significant amount of time and finances.
  1. Longer lifespan for space systems: In-orbit servicing is currently gaining prominence to increase the lifespan of the existing space systems. Since the success of Northrop Grumman’s mission for servicing the Intelsat 10-02 satellite in-orbit, the industry is gradually realizing the importance of maintenance. The predictive maintenance capabilities can enhance this process in the future.
  1. Innovation thrust for industry: The predictive maintenance capability for space systems in orbit is definitely far into the future, but the levels of innovation it can bring to the space industry will be immeasurable. Along with increasing the operational capabilities of the existing space systems, it will potentially create a new branch of commercial business in the space industry where we might observe a series of companies establishing themselves as predictive maintenance specialists in the space industry.

Future outlook

As technology continues to advance, manufacturers will have access to more sophisticated tools and techniques for predictive maintenance. For example, the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ML has provided an edge to Cloudflight’s solutions, making it one of the prominent players in the industry.

AI can help to identify patterns and trends in data that would be difficult for humans to spot. While Internet of Things (IoT) can enable manufacturers to collect more data about machines and equipment, providing more insights into potential issues.

Overall, implementing a predictive maintenance program requires careful planning and execution, but the benefits are well worth the effort.

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